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Schedule an Appointment


Sessions are usually scheduled weekly and last 60  minutes. In some cases, family or couples therapy sessions will be scheduled for 75 minute sessions.

You may schedule an appointment online, or reach us by phone at (301)674.-2389.  If we are not available when you call, your call will be answered by our confidential answering machine. If your call isn't returned within 24 hours, please call again.

Fees will be payable for each session online or in person. Sliding Scale available. Checks should be made out to Hope of Glory Christian Counseling Services LLC.



If you cancel your appointment without a 24-hour notice, the time set aside for you is lost. Therefore, any session cancelled without a 24-hour advance notice will be charged to the client. Should you know in advance of a conflict in your schedule, an alternate session will be offered.


Evenings and Weekends

Appointments may be available.  Please check online scheduling, call or e-mail to check. Sunday appointments are not available.



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