Christian Counseling
The National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) offers a faith-based approach to counseling which skillfully integrates the mental health and behavioral sciences into a Christian theological-anthropological vision of man that affirms his needs for faith, spirituality, prayer, morality, love, commitment, meaning and truth.
It is an expression of Jesus' healing ministry. Therefore the counseling experience centers around His Divine Presence and relies on His Divine Power and Grace to aid the person as he grows in spiritual and emotional health.
Today's pressures and stresses can cause us to lose touch with our spiritual center and experience a sense of alienation from God and from ourselves. For this reason our approach at Hope of Glory Counseling Services emphasizes the value of dealing with the issues and difficulties of life within the context of working toward greater integration with one's spiritual core. This enables a person to discover his deep resources and strengths.
For this reason special attention is given to matters of:
Faith and Spirituality
Spiritual/Emotional Healing
Questions about the Meaning of Life
• The Bible is the final standard of authority for the counselor; not a particular philosophy of man. Practical guidelines are found in the Bible for responsible behavior.
• The indwelling power of God and responsible actions of man work together for solutions.
• The past is not denied, but dealt with. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)
• A goal of the counselor is to give the counselee the love and self-worth they need, To be set free in Jesus Christ, so as not to become dependent on any particular counselor or counseling.
• The message of restoration knows no barriers. Jesus said “...Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me.” (John 6:37)
Christian counseling ministers to the whole person: spirit, soul and body.
“May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Thes. 5:23)
The counseling model that NCCA (inspired by Our Lord) developed is called Temperament Therapy. It is also known as Creation Therapy, (meaning that it is a counseling model developed on the belief that we are created, not evolved).
This model has a 93% success rate. This, of course, is related to those who really want help. Many people do not want help at all. They’re only coming to counseling because they are forced to be there.
This 93% figure is based on tens of thousands of testimonies over several decades.
Additionally, God gave Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno, founders of the NCCA, a scientifically sound profiling system--one that really works! This is a profiling system that does not measure behavior, it measures a person’s inborn temperament or their inborn pre-disposition to the world around them. Dr. Arno emphasized that profiling is not a bad thing--that even Jesus profiled. He (Jesus) was profiling when He gave us the Beatitudes!
Dr. Arno stressed that what you do with profiling can be bad, but that we are going to use it for good – –to help people who want help.
He talked about how great it would be if we (Christian counselors) could know, for example, whether a person responds to the promise of reward or the threat of punishment. Or if they are task-oriented or people-oriented.
The profile that they developed is called the Arno Profile System (APS).